Local streamer

Localstreamer is a geolocation system that allows you to explore events, data and thoughts of people of a certain place. Integrated with the latest technology to search real time, it can be used to search into the stream information about places, allows you to share or simply read a stream of information about any city on earth. People can also watch videos about the place searched , socialize using comment system or chat.
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Android client application with geolocalization to access the "Publish news" section directly from cellphone

The Android operating system is becoming the dominant method for next-generation smartphones. It would be nice to have a program to install on the mobile phone that allows people to report the events as in the "Publish news" link menu site. The...
Orfeo, 16.02.2011, 08:19
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Faster, smoother news scrolling

News/comment scroll (that one controlled with < and > buttons) perhaps could be somewhat faster, say 150 ms (rather than current 1s)
Lorenzo Gallucci, 27.02.2011, 10:17
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The application does not handle duplicate city names

Decatur Illinois, although correctly offered in the pick-list, is not what comes up when selected. There are at least 10 cities named Decatur in the US. But by all means, take me to Decatur, AL... You know what's best.
Chrys Bundy, 27.03.2011, 08:33